This list provides the essential tools for basic soldering and additional tools needed for the Ally RAM replacement MOD. These are selected for their value and quality where necessary.
This is a comprehensive list of the minimum tools you’ll need for basic soldering as well as additional tools needed for the Ally RAM replacement MOD. These are all best value recommendations, with the exception where better quality is a good idea.
Basic items:

- Tacky flux: Stirri or Inventec tacky flux in a syringe. The most common is “NC-559-V2-TF”. Do not skimp on flux, also liquid and rosin-based fluxes are not recommended for SMD use.
- Desoldering wick: any basic copper solder wick will work fine.
- 63/37 solder: avoid lead-free solder.
- Wipes: Kimwipes are recommended, cotton can also work, you want something that won’t fall apart and is low dust.
- Denatured alcohol/isopropyl alcohol: Must be 90% or above.
- Needle nose tweezers.
- Silicone mat:
Soldering Iron: Any one of the below

- Pinecil: In addition to the iron, you will want at least one additional tip, you want a fatter tip to hold more heat.
- TS80p: Same with the tips, you want to pick up some fatter tips than what comes with the iron. This iron is adequate even with the low wattage rating, but has less thermal headroom.
- TS100/101: Again same recommendation with the tips. Both versions are good but more expensive than the Pinecil, but essentially the same iron.
** Unless you buy a package, you will need a USB-C PD power adapter for these irons. These are just suggestions, there are much better irons out there. It’s strongly recommended to use irons that have the heating element in the tip such as the ones above, these will heat up faster and generally perform better, also important is digital temperature control.
** The below items are only needed if you intend to do BGA soldering such as replacing the memory on the ROG Ally or Steam Deck.

- 8858 hot air gun: This is not a good tool but it’s inexpensive and can be effective if used properly –℃-212-932℉/dp/B09VZ9HB37